How To Set Calorie Goals For Weight Loss: A Behavioral Approach

Let’s face it, calorie tracking apps abound, but NONE teach YOU HOW to set (and reset) calorie goals. Apps can be confusing and programs aren’t clear on their magic algorithms.

Calorie tracking is a fundamental behavior change strategy that often evokes the behaviors you want (eating better) to achieve your desired results (losing weight). This is a general behavior-based strategy to modify caloric intake. These general steps can provide you a strategy that you can LEARN and take with you.

Here are the general calorie goal-setting steps:

  • Step 1: Establish Your Caloric Baseline
  • Step 2: Average That Baseline
  • Step 3: Set Your Goal 90%
  • Step 4: Meet the goal Most Days for 2 weeks
  • Step 5: Check the Scale
  • Step 6: Repeat As Needed

Here is a Caloric Goal Example:

Step 1: Establish Your Caloric Baseline

Take a baseline for at least 7 days.

Step 2: Take an average of those days

Insert basic math.

Step 3: Set your FIRST calorie goal at 90% of that average

More math.

Step 4: Meet that goal at least 4/7 days

Step 5: Check the scale

Good result? Need to keep going? Rinse and repeat.

Step 6a: Average the previous two weeks

Step 6b: Reset your goal

Take 90% of that average, meet the goal for 4/7 days, check the scale…

Individual Results Will Vary…

This “90% rule” relies on a process called shaping that helps you gradually meet your goals. The rule may look 👀 different for you. Of course—individual results will vary and these slides are NOT a substitute for a comprehensive program. Just helpful tips for those that need a little guidance.

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