Dr. Nick Green Guest Appearance on ABA Inside Track Podcast

For the third time, I had the pleasure of joining the crew on the ABA Inside Track podcast. This podcast specializes in covering research articles about applied behavior analysis.

In this episode, aptly titled “Episode 151 – Fitness, Physical Activity, and Fake Resolutions w/ Dr. Nick Green”, we discussed my research related to sedentary behavior, health recommendations related to reducing sitting, and how behavioral principles apply to health and fitness behaviors.

Of course, this is perfect timing for those getting ready to ring in the New Year with resolutions.

Check out the episode here.

Enjoy! And Happy New Year!


References from the show

Green, N. & Dallery, J. (2019). Evaluating the effectiveness of education, feedback, and task clarification to increase workplace physical activity. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 3-4, 237-246. doi: 10.1080/01608061.2019.1632239

Green, N. Sigurdsson, S., & Wilder, D.A. (2016). Decreasing bouts of prolonged sitting among office workers. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 49, 717-722. doi: 10.1002/jaba.309

Kurti, A.N. & Dallery, J. (2013). Internet-based contingency management increases walking in sedentary adults. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 46, 568-581. doi: 10.1002/jaba.58

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