COVID-19, Internal Validity, & Adapting Your Fitness Programs

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🦠COVID-19 offers an opportunity to think about how significant environmental events affect our fitness programs.πŸ“ˆπŸ“‰ ….

As a coach, scientist, and practitioner, I am always on the hunt for good programs and good data. Sometimes we know with a high degree of confidence on what’s going well, falling apart, and needs to be changed.πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘ŽπŸ»

When environmental events (extraneous variables) creep into our data, it leaves us with less confidence that our program is doings its job. πŸ˜’

ENTER = HISTORY – a type of threat to internal validity that affects how well we can attribute causality to our independent variables (coaching & programming).🌎

Be on the lookout for these threats! πŸ‘€ …. We have a big week ahead of us! Keep moving!

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