Changing Wearables? Beware of Heart Rate Differences

A client switched from a Fitbit Charge 3 back to her Apple Watch Series 2.

Over the past 6 months, we monitored her resting heart rate. Immediately after switching back to the Apple Watch (green line), we observe a noticeable change in average resting heart rate.

Device Comparison

Did her cardio all-of-a-sudden getter that much better? Likely not because her heart was increasing right before the switch. While other variables are at play, the difference in these values is MOST likely because of the change in technology. Further, the client reported that the battery was not charging the best towards the end of the Fitbit days. The battery change could have produced the increasing trend from Feb 2021 to March 2021.

There are only a few data points with the Apple Watch, so to make a better assessment, we will need to monitor these data for at least another 3-4 weeks.

We all get different toys and gadgets throughout our lives. Check out the trends to rule out how technology impacts these measures.

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