Actionable Training

Learn. Apply. Help Others.


Lessons derived from
peer-reviewed research

Premium Material

Unmatched slides, Video, &
Presentation Style

The mission of the BehaviorFit Academy is to teach and train others on the application of the science of human behavior to health and fitness.​

New To ABA, Health, and Fitness?

Enroll in this introductory course to learn how applied behavior analysis can be used to target important pro-health behaviors.

Full Course Listing

Recent Courses Listed First!

Grow Your Skill Set with Professional Training

Learn from thought leaders in applied behavior analysis, health, and fitness

Dr. Nick Green — Founder & CEO.

Looking to apply behavior change principles with your own clients? Yourself? A friend or family member? Applied behavior analysis is the science of helping people…no matter the application

Sought after speaker, bringing lessons learned from the field to your convenience. Learn from 10+ years of experience gained in practice, publishing research, and serving BehaviorFit clients.

I chose this platform to reduce the rub between you and technology. Hopefully, all you have to worry about is the content and no technical snafu!

Qualified ACE Provider

No. IP-20-2637


Authorized Since: 2/21/20

Next Renewal: 2/28/26

What Our Students Have to Say

I love your courses! I'm looking at potentially switching (someday) from working strictly with children with ASD and move towards working with neuro-typical adults to achieve more focused fitness and wellness goals.
Emily Eikland
Course: How To Better Develop Pro-Health Behaviors Through Collaboration with Families and Professionals
I like how Nick explained what led him to where he is today and how he carved his own opportunities, it is inspiring. I look forward to taking more CEUs throughout my career as a BCaBA as I love ABA and fitness.
Victoria Brown
Course: Getting Started In Applied Behavior Analysis And Health and Fitness
The course covered the basic introduction to assessment of health and fitness from a behavior analytic perspective. It was helpful and useful.
Mary Vesloski
Course: Getting Started In Applied Behavior Analysis And Health and Fitness
I enjoyed the honesty from the presenter about what is required to achieve one's goal with starting a business in ABA and health & fitness. The recommendations provided were good starting points.
Courtney Vaugn
Course: Getting Started In Applied Behavior Analysis And Health and Fitness
I really enjoyed this course. It was extremely helpful to learn about different assessments that could be used to pinpoint target behaviors, desired results, barriers, etc. I loved seeing how behavior analysis could be applied to a different area than what I am used to. The examples were beneficial in demonstrating how to apply the various topics to a client in need of health, fitness, or nutrition guidance. I am a visual learner so these were great to see! I am excited to learn more and will be signing up for the other course offered. Thank you!
Kristie Girten
Course: Assessment 101
Thank you for helping me to slow way down and consider ethics and the value long-term of "not putting the cart before the horse"! You helped convince me to invest in the conditioning coach certification I had been eyeing so that I can gain a clear direction and skill repertoire in the field.
Gabrielle Williams
Course: Getting Started In Applied Behavior Analysis And Health and Fitness

Continuing Education Information: 

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Your responsibility is to ensure all BACB required information is accurate and complete for recertification purposes

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