Physical Activity Guidelines

Physical Activity, Exercise, & Sedentary Behavior Recommendations

The amount of physical activity that we should engage in has been communicated to the world by organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the American Heart Association (AHA), and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).

Adult Recommendations

Ages 18+


The following offers one option to the minimum physical activity and exercise recommendations:

Physical Activity Minutes

How many mintues do you need?

150 Minutes Per Week

Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activty

Strength Training

How many days per week do you need?

2 Times Per Week

All major muscle groups at least once per week


The following offers one option for the minimum physical activity and exercise recommendations:

Increase your intensity, you need fewer minutes!

Physical Activity Minutes

How many mintues do you need?

75 Minutes Per Week

VIGOROUS Physical Activty

Strength Training

How many days per week do you need?

2 Times Per Week

All major muscle groups at least once per week

Child Recommendations

Ages 6-17

The following offers one option to the minimum physical activity and exercise recommendations:

(if you increase you intensity, you need fewer minutes)

Physical Activity Minutes

How many mintues do children need?

60 minutes


Strength Training

Bone Strengthening Exercises Muscle Strengthening Exercises

3 Times Per Week

Bone & Muscle Strengthening Exercises

Sedentary Behavior Guidelines 

Sit Less, More

Reduce Daily Sitting Time

Attempt to reduce total sitting time, especially if you have a sedentary occupation

Break Sitting Pattern Often

Change your position every 30-60 minutes

Read More About Sedentary Behavior

Risks and Proactive Solutions


Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA)

Activities that burn 3-6 kcal/kg/hour

Examples of MVPA:
Brisk walking, dancing, gardening, housework, and chores.

Vigorous Physical Activity (VPA)

Activities that >6 kcal/kg/hour

Examples of VPA:
Running, carrying heavy loads, and competitive sports

Page updated: 12/06/22

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