Fitness Insights.

Fitness Intelligence is the application of behavioral science to to convert fitness data into meaningful training and competition insights.

Personal Dashboards Reveal Fitness Decisions
Hidden in Plain Sight

Designed for the leisure, amateur, or professional athlete, fitness dashboards reduce the time needed to find, process, and analyze needed training decisions.

Finer analyses provide fine-tuning programs

Sometimes training decisions need to be made after looking at individual training sessions, set, or repetitions

All Your Workouts -
Organized, Searchable

Want to see all of you previous scores? Build your own workout? Look at trends across the entire gym?

Look no further!

Data Interactions
Provide Granular Detail.

Modern tools allow you to drill, slice, and filter your data in a way that produces meaningful fitness decisions.

More Than 10+ Years of Behavior-Based Consulting

We are glad to be a part of countless success stories by providing the best quality data analysis solutions to our clients.

If you're in business, then knowing how behavior impacts performance is essential to your success.

Why Choose Us





Fitness Intelligence In Action

Examples of BehaviorFit Work:
Intervention and Tech Analyses, Heart Rate Tracking, Workout Bible, PR Board


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Fitness Intelligence?

Fitness Intelligence is a set of methodologies, processes, and technology that convert raw data into useful information for fitness purposes.

(Adapted from Firat et al. 2016)

What is Your Process?

The process begins with a brief discussion on the athlete, coach, or gym intelligence needs. We cover insights, needed data, and desirable outcomes. This process involves participation and regular data entry for everyone involved. More data = better insights! 

What Can I Expect In Return?

Depending on the needs of your program, you can expect some, but not limited to the following:

  • A Fitness Intelligence Assessment
  • Refined and Organized Data
  • Data Visualizations
  • Interactive Dashboards
  • Summarized Reports
  • Fitness Intelligence online access
  • Strategies to become an expert yourself!
How Do I Book An Appointment?

Follow the links below

Fitness Intelligence Applies To:

Individual Exercises

Individual Programs



Do YOU struggle in any of these areas?

Just Starting Out

Seasoned Athlete

Coaching Decisions

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fitness data needs.

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